We're all on the journey.


We’re all on the journey to discover the light inside. For better or worse, every aspect of our lives is shaped by the patterns we keep.

We reveal how our hidden subconscious and unconscious patterns shape the fabric of our society as we explore a deeper dive into the mysterious inner world of our enigmatic lives.

Learn how to embrace lives that are more fulfilling, joyful, and enriching as we unravel the intricate process of change.

Unconscious thought patterns are mental processes that occur outside of our conscious awareness. These thought patterns can shape our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in powerful ways.


Here are a few ways that unconscious thought patterns can impact our behavior:

  1. Bias and stereotypes: Unconscious biases and stereotypes can lead us to make snap judgments about people based on their race, gender, age, or other characteristics. These biases can influence our behavior in subtle ways, such as how we interact with others, our decisions, and our attitudes.
  2. Habits and routines: Many of our behaviors are driven by habits and routines that we have developed over time. These habits can be deeply ingrained in our unconscious mind and can be difficult to break. For example, you may automatically reach for a cigarette or snack when you feel stressed, even if you consciously know that it's not healthy.
  3. Emotional responses: Our emotional responses to situations are often driven by unconscious thought patterns. For example, you may feel anxious or angry in certain situations without fully understanding why. These emotional responses can shape the way we behave and interact with others.
  4. Self-perception: Unconscious thought patterns can also influence the way we see ourselves. For example, if you have a deep-seated belief that you are not good enough, this can impact your behavior in many different ways, from holding yourself back in your career to avoiding social situations.

Overall, unconscious thought patterns play a significant role in shaping our behavior. By becoming more aware of these patterns, we can start to identify and change adverse behavioral patterns that may be holding us back or causing us to respond in ways that are not in line with our values.


About the Hosts

Anna GetzProfile Photo

Anna Getz

Executive Program Director/Freelancer/Dog Lover

Meet Anna, the whimsical whirlwind of words and wonders! As a twenty-something, she roams the world as a freelance writer, content creator, and managing editor extraordinaire. With her trusty pen in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other, Anna crafts captivating tales that dance off the page and into the hearts of readers.

When she's not conjuring up literary magic, you'll find Anna in her cozy loft kitchen, her sanctuary of sugar and spice. Baking is not just a hobby for her; it's an obsession. From enchanting cupcakes to spellbinding pies, Anna’s kitchen is a portal to a sugary wonderland.

But don't be fooled by her baking adventures alone. Anna is a bibliophile with a penchant for the obscure. She devours novels like a famished bookworm, seeking out hidden gems that transport her to mystical realms and spark her imagination.

Winter holds a special place in Anna’s heart, and she embraces the chilly season with a passion for extreme sports. You'll often find her conquering mountains on her snowboard or trekking 14’ers in the Western Rockies. The exhilarating rush of cold air against her cheeks and the thrill of mastering daring tricks fuel her winter adventures.

But amidst all her pursuits, one thing remains constant—Anna’s boundless love for dogs. She adores these furry companions with all her heart, showering them with endless belly rubs, playful games of fetch, and cozy snuggles by the fireplace. Her four-legged friends bring a smile to her face and a wag to her heart, reminding her to live in the… Read More

Jeffrey BeseckerProfile Photo

Jeffrey Besecker

Executive Producer - Host

As a Holistic Behavioral Coach, Jeffrey helps reveal the unconscious patterns that drive our human behavior, shape our choices, and direct our relationships, providing instead essential programming for effective patterns of behavior and belief.

In a world where the mysteries of the human mind seem as vast as the universe itself, there's one man who dares to take the plunge, microphone in hand, to explore the inner workings of our cognitive systems. Ladies and gentlemen, allow us to introduce you to the one and only Jeffrey Besecker, the host with the most when it comes to unraveling the enigmatic realms of our subconscious.

Jeffrey, who some might describe as a consummate learner, boasts an inquisitively curious mind that rivals that of a thousand cats chasing laser pointers. He thrives on uncovering those pesky subconscious programs that surface like phantoms throughout our everyday lives, revealing the hidden gears and cogs behind our quirky behaviors. Not to mention, he does it all with a wicked sense of humor that can make even the most complex neuroscientific concepts feel as approachable as a knock-knock joke.

But Jeffrey's quest for understanding doesn't stop at the human mind. This intrepid explorer of knowledge is an avid reader of infinitely banal scientific research, ever seeking untold truths that may be hiding in the dusty corners of obscure academic journals. He's the kind of guy who could chat your ear off about the mating habits of Amazonian tree frogs or the physics of Jenga towers, and you'd walk away bo… Read More